June 3
Community Plant-based Potluck and Wellness Discussions
6:00 PM in Piper Hall
Start the New Year with healthy habits and the support of our community! Join us for our monthly potluck and discussion. Leave with new recipes and knowledge for your wellness journey.
June 7
Dare To Be Bare 5K
6:30 AM: Gates Open 9 AM: Race Begins, Vendor Fair begins 10 AM: Party music with DJ Alicia 11 AM: Burger Shack and Beer Garden open 8 PM - 12 AM: Dance with Kicking Giants
June 14
Pickleball Tournament
8 AM: Flag Day Tournament (Mixed DOubles, Double Elimination)
June 20-22
Naked Stampede Weekend
Friday: Chris Daniels Project, outside stage
Saturday: Tennis Tournament, B-Side band, and Lady Ivy
Sunday: Music with Ronna, 12 - 3 PM, poolside
June 27
Outdoor Movie